One Love! What about the one heart? One Heart! What about the- Let's get together and feel al right. As it was in the beginning (One Love!). So shall it be in the end (One Heart!).
One Love! One Heart! Let's get together and feel al right. Hear the children crying (One Love!). Hear the children crying (One Heart!). Saying: give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel alright. Saying: let's get together and feel alright.
Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun. Three little birds pitch by my doorstep singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true saying, "This is my message to you".
In ogni caso, non è che io fossi ostile alla cultura di massa, né avevo intenzione di fare l'agitatore. Ero solo convinto che la cultura per il vasto pubblico fosse fiacca da morire, e anche una grossa presa in giro.